Jan 17, 2013

Burn Fat 20 Tips To For Eating *** American Health Center

One of the star items in Sport Life: fat-burning foods. Here are the keys to eat everyday low GI foods.
If you want to extend your skills, in the magazine we tell what is the secrets of fat burning and give in detail a week of fat-burning diet.

1. Always choose the full version or fiber-rich foods. Whole wheat bread versus white bread, brown rice versus white rice, cereal grains versus normal, etc..

2. If you need to pick something, choose low-GI foods such as an apple, apricots, cherries, four or five freshly peeled nuts, a carrot, etc. and combine them with a relaxing tea to soothe anxiety and you avoid eating again.

3. Avoid processed foods and tries to make comfort food with low-GI ingredients to control what you're eating.

The key is to eat everyday low glycemic foods. If you do not know how, click here.

4. Drink water throughout the day to avoid dehydration. Many times we think we're hungry and actually happens to us is that we're thirsty or dehydrated.

5. Try to drink water with lemon juice or natural orange when you feel like something sweet. If you add a teaspoon of honey and keep it in the fridge this homemade lemonade will help you avoid sweet drinks that typically trigger elevated glucose rises.

6. Try to make every day a food rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Polyunsaturated fatty acids are good fats that help you lose weight despite its high caloric heat. Find omega-3 in nuts, vegetable seeds such as chia, flax and in oily fish such as mackerel, herring, sardines, tuna, etc.. Do not stop taking any of these foods every day.

7. Alina and kitchen with a teaspoon of extra virgin olive oil. This is another good fats should not fail every day in your diet, oleic acid source, not only helps you keep the weight if taken in moderation, also helps to maintain cardiovascular health and keep you young.

8. Avoid high GI foods combined with fatty foods. To rapidly increase blood glucose concentration is secreted more insulin and fat molecules to cells immediately pass without being burned, direct to flab. Stay away from dishes such as sausages and hot dogs and chips, cakes, biscuits with butter, pasta with fatty sauces, fatty cheese sandwiches or sausages, meats with sauces and chips etc.

9. If eating high GI foods, combine them with low-fat foods such as baked potatoes with cheese, baked potatoes with grilled meat or steamed spaghetti with vegetables, brown rice with boiled fish.

10. Choose foods high in protein and low in fat at every meal. Proteins help you build muscle if you exercise and increase your metabolism, and avoid smoking and depression changes that appear in low calorie diets because they keep us alert. Choose foods rich in fats and proteins boiled eggs, omelettes, grilled fish or steamed lean meats and poultry on the grill, natural yogurts, cheeses, etc..

11. Seasoned with fresh herbs and spices. Dan flavor foods and help slow the rise of glucose because they are high in phytonutrients.

12. Desserts sweetened with cinnamon and a little honey. Cinnamon prevents sudden rise of glucose that appears after eating sugary foods or high GI. Add cinnamon to milk shakes, fruit roasted in the oven, yogurt or cottage cheese because it helps to add a touch of flavor when you crave sweets.

13. Take dairy products every day. The natural milk have a low glycemic index and also provide calcium that helps you lose weight and contain the amino acids arginine and lysine that are essential for the synthesis of growth hormone at night, responsible for the formation of new tissues like muscle when you train remove fat and adipose tissue during sleep.

14. Increase your intake of foods rich in carnitine. Carnitine has become fashionable to help burn fat during exercise. No need to buy it, carnitine is synthesized in our body from lysine and methionine, amino acids can be found in meats, poultry, eggs and dairy.

15. Take fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin C. Vitamin C, kiwi, berries, cherries, citrus fruits, broccoli, peppers, cabbage, etc.. helps you burn fat and has anti-inflammatory effects that help remove fluid.

16. Burn fat with iodine. The thyroid gland needs iodine to function properly and produce hormones "devouring fat". Iodine is found in foods such as iodized salt, sea fish and shellfish, mushrooms, spinach and carrots.

17. Glycemic control with chrome. Chromium influences the rate decreases blood glucose and blood insulin to be mobilized adipose fat. Find chromium in plums, whole grain cereals, nuts, broccoli and cheese.

18. If you like taking dessert always tries to take fresh fruit with a low GI as avocados, cherries, plums, prunes with bone, strawberries, berries, apples, peaches, oranges, apricots, pears, pineapple, banana, grapefruit and grapes.

19. If you go out to eat, always choose the menu "fat-burning" low-GI dishes like salads with lettuce, vegetables and no sauce. Beef carpaccio, be grilled, vegetables or seafood pasta without sauce, fish or grilled meat without sauces or baked, steamed mussels, clams with garlic and herbs, gazpacho, sorbet without alcohol.

20. Fat burning foods do not work alone to burn fat you have to move, so it is imperative that every day spend at least 30 minutes to exercise and activity varies each day. Try to get up early to start the day doing sports and breakfast after the shower, the first hard but after a few days you will notice that you are losing weight easily and that your appetite is controlled throughout the day.This product is Really Great you can try it. when your satisfy you should pass the comments below & share your family and friends. Thank you for reading.

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